Sunday, February 28, 2010

Something "picante" to warm you up...

One of my favorite people--ever--is Marie. She is anticipating a move to the southwest soon. And looking for inspiration. She shared a book title with me, "Mexicasa" by Melba Levick and Gina Hyams.
These colors are delicious. I want to put more of them in our house. So, I am sharing some of the photos from the book.

This type of ceramic is called "talavera." I like this (gigantic) picture of a talavera vase. It's from La Fuente they have loads of mexican-themed decor. (the vases in the picture above are talavera vases too.)

Friday, February 26, 2010

dogged day

I really didn't have a bad day. 
It all seemed to be moving along quite nicely.
A little bumpy getting the kids out the door this a.m.
Dropped Henry off at preschool.
Eliana and I went to a friend's to pray- always a good idea.
Went for a run, and chatted with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile.
Picked Henry up.
Nap for Eliana.
A kind-of quiet time for Henry; a shower for me.
H and I watched a bit of "Curious George."
And then, a perfect storm of trying to finish up loose ends around the house.
Get dinner.
Do my hair (you've seen what I am dealing with -very bad today).
Dog barking, and barking, and barking at the back door--and BARKING!
Baby climbing.
Boy --doing lots of boy things.
Mama gets like this:


I really hate it when I lose it. 
And I did. 
Big time.
This verse from Romans 7 is resonating:
"For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. What a wretched (wo) man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God - through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Yesterday I turned 36.
I reflect often, especially on birthdays.
My blog doesn't look the way I envision it.
Not colorful enough. The layout isn't right.
 I have a lot to learn.

My house is dusty, it's been a few weeks.
I really wanted to clean the house for my birthday.
But, I didn't.

Do you remember when you were younger and birthdays were magical?
Everyone and everything just seemed "right" and, well, quite lovely.
Five years ago, I got out of the shower, put a little product in my hair, and it looked like this:

Then, this happened...

And then this...


Yesterday, I got out of the shower, put a little product in my hair, and I looked like this...(you may want to cover your eyes)


Yesterday, I was making myself a birthday cake. I turned around- REALLY, Elle!?!

Henry didn't nap either, even though it was my birthday. In fact, I wanted to get a picture of him, and look--
I persevered...

Birthdays are just different now. 
That's o.k. 
I got lots of calls and emails--thanks.
I hosted our Women's Bible study last night. 
Besides the women, some wine, flowers, cards, and these came too.
You know what else about my new life, the one where my hair looks terrible, and my kids don't always do what I want or think I need them to do?

Well, about that life,


Monday, February 22, 2010

Soap box # 1

These are Haitian kids. (I "borrowed" this picture from a stranger's site--thank you; sorry.) 
I have no idea if they are orphans. 
Maybe not. 
But they could be. 

Since the earthquake in Haiti I have occasionally checked on the status of Haitian orphans by visiting the The Joint Council on International Children Services' website.  JCICS' President, Tom DiFilipo wrote an informative and rousing call-to-action on his blog (click on the blue--it's a link, you may have to scroll up through the comments to get to the article) Be the Answer For Children

Lots of people I know are saying they would adopt a child from Haiti. But most also say, "I would if it weren't so costly, so time consuming etc." There are reasons --some of them good ones--for why it takes so long and is so costly. At the same time, the system is rigid, unable to meet overwhelming and desperate needs of thousands of children in unstable living situations, like Haiti.  Tom D. has some valuable insights on the issues. And, his group has been part of creating the Families for Orphans Act. Get the scoop and urge your congress person to support it. Really--go click on that link.

What can we do? We can send money. We can pray. We can get angry, knowing that so many little ones without parents, without families, are sleeping alone tonight in literally demolished buildings. And, this anger and compassion can motivate us to take a few minutes to advocate for these sweeties by contacting our legislators.
So...what are you waiting for?

Something has to change. 
Something's gotta give. 
We have to think outside the box. 
The time is now.
Ohh...I really wish more people read this--thanks mom and dad--spread the word, really!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Recycling Day

This is Marvin.

He picks up this--for everyone in our neighborhood.

He picks up in all sorts of weather. 
This weather would be really tough. It's cold. And you have to step through all the snow. 
I tried to get ours close to the curb.


Snow is fun when you're three years old. Ask Henry.

I don't think Marvin has had as much fun as Henry has in the snow. 
At least it was sunny today--and warmer.

 I met Marvin because Henry likes to watch the garbage truck, and the recycling truck, and pretty much every truck. And, Marvin is friendly too. 

When Henry is outside he rarely stands still, but can you see our sidewalk? We didn't shovel after the first snow storm. We did in the middle of the second one, but it didn't help much.  Sometimes I think it's better not to shovel too much. When it's all clear there is that tendency for a thin layer of ice to form. You can't see it. And then...boom! I wish I had a picture of that. 

I have been thinking about all the people in our lives that do little things like deliver the mail, pick up the trash, weigh your deli meats, cash your checks. The more I get to know God and His love for me, and everyone, the more I want and enjoy getting to know others. We really do each have a purpose, a story that matters as much to ourselves as to everyone else. 

Anyway, I like Marvin, would like to learn more about him. And, I wanted you to meet him too.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

No text on my blog, so sad, for me

Right, so there was no text because I changed the text color to white. Righty-oh, duh?!?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Aren't they pretty?

What fun to make and eat and photograph these lovelies....

Guess who put the sprinkles on this one...

He did...

Since xmas Eliana has been coveting her brother's canteen, now she has her own.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowed in: going out

We have loads of the white are some pics. This one is from the back porch -- of our neighbors...
 Next..snow angel-snakes (on the belly) for Henry

Eliana is all about staying upright...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Necessity: the Mother of invention

I really need to go to the grocery store. I don't want to go with both the kids anymore. The last time I was there with both of them, we left and they were both crying. People parted like the Red Sea to let us out. So, this morning I decided to take our last two very ripe bananas, the last of the raisins and make some oatmeal. The bananas and raisins were boiling and ready for the oatmeal. I open the cupboard. more oatmeal. Hmm...throw away my yummy base? No way!
I added rice. Let it cook. Added some milk. Think rice pudding --no added sugar--for breakfast. Everyone liked it. No lie.


We took this last Wednesday, Henry's first day of preschool. He jumped right crying, no looking back. When I went to pick him up the teacher said he fit right in. He ran over to me, said with a smile, "Hi mama! I'm not ready to go yet!" And then ran toward his new buddies--wrestling, jumping, dancing, generally harassing.
As I was strapping him into his car seat to go home I asked him,
"What was your favorite part of school?"
He raised his hands up and said, "All MY boy-friends!!!!!"
Who wouldn't want to be a friend with Henry, who does stuff like this:

Those who know me well know that being at home full-time has been a bumpy transition. Taking Henry to preschool gave me a taste of the reality looming in our future: school, going out into the world, being replaced by all his friends.
I am resolving to take more deep breaths and enjoy the ride more.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

For Laurita...

Don't you just love this get up? My dear friend, Laura, and I were taking a walk on a chilly winter evening, amid a busy, and heavy, discussion we stopped and looked at this hum-dinger.
"Don't you just love that," Laura asked.
"Yeah...that is so'd look great in that!"