Friday, February 19, 2010

Recycling Day

This is Marvin.

He picks up this--for everyone in our neighborhood.

He picks up in all sorts of weather. 
This weather would be really tough. It's cold. And you have to step through all the snow. 
I tried to get ours close to the curb.


Snow is fun when you're three years old. Ask Henry.

I don't think Marvin has had as much fun as Henry has in the snow. 
At least it was sunny today--and warmer.

 I met Marvin because Henry likes to watch the garbage truck, and the recycling truck, and pretty much every truck. And, Marvin is friendly too. 

When Henry is outside he rarely stands still, but can you see our sidewalk? We didn't shovel after the first snow storm. We did in the middle of the second one, but it didn't help much.  Sometimes I think it's better not to shovel too much. When it's all clear there is that tendency for a thin layer of ice to form. You can't see it. And then...boom! I wish I had a picture of that. 

I have been thinking about all the people in our lives that do little things like deliver the mail, pick up the trash, weigh your deli meats, cash your checks. The more I get to know God and His love for me, and everyone, the more I want and enjoy getting to know others. We really do each have a purpose, a story that matters as much to ourselves as to everyone else. 

Anyway, I like Marvin, would like to learn more about him. And, I wanted you to meet him too.


1 comment:

  1. I don't think our recycling lady likes us. I swear that she glares in our direction. Maybe it's because our fam has approximately 5 millions items per week to recycle. I also think that she's a felon. I just have felon-dar. But on a serious note, I love your take on the people in our lives that do the little things, and you're completely right.
